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Content Lake

In this section:


Visit this page in Confluence for detailed documentation on the Content Lake Module - 

Content Types

  • Press Release - navigable
  • Article - navigable
  • Publication - non navigable - appears in content cards / news & stories listings / search results
  • Tweet - non navigable - appears in content cards / news & stories listings

Content Lake repositories sit outside of individual tree nodes in a shared area for all corporate sites, as items can be dynamically pulled into different sites based on region taxonomy.

Content Lake repositories are stored in content buckets in order to allow editors to manage a large number of items without the overhead of maintaining tree structure.

Content lake page urls -

  • content type News Article - /news/stories/article-name
  • content type Press Release - /news/press-releases/press-release-name
  • content type Publications - /news/publications/publication-name - automatically downloads the associated media library pdf content
  • Author - /authors/[firstname]-[lastname]