Test Supertitle

Test Title

Nam nisi sem, rhoncus sed nisi at, commodo tempus orci. Vestibulum elementum metus quis quam euismod, in imperdiet mi accumsan. Integer elit nisl, venenatis in tristique et, faucibus eu sem. Mauris eu fermentum augue, nec commodo dolor. Sed id magna in neque eleifend facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam pretium eros sem, eget suscipit nisl maximus sit amet. Suspendisse at nibh erat. Sed eu egestas enim. Vivamus pellentesque lobortis sapien eget ultrices.

The components allows for selecting News Articles, Publications, Tweets and Press Releases from Content Lake, as well as Promotable core site pages (L1-L4 content pages that inherit the PromotableItem base template). The selection allows for fallback from the content lake data folder of the brand-master site, current site and under the home page of the current site.

The component pulls the required data for populating each card from the selected items in the Multilist field. This field allows for searching within the Content Lake data repositories. Each selected item should be a Content Lake content type.

Additional documentation.