A placeholder image showing dimensions 570x320

How we make it headline

This is an example of a hero with an image and a CTA button set to an internal link.

This is the Hero component in its Content Page rendering variant. The example above has an image and link.

Additional documentation in Confluence here.

Hero Title goes here

This is a hero without an image but with a right background pattern set. Should only have a background color, coming from the theme. Design here - https://genmills.invisionapp.com/spec/cktkapjaj00690199are74cro/inspect/831917231

This is the Hero component in its Content Page rendering variant. The example above does not have an image or link set in content.

Additional documentation in Confluence here.

A placeholder image showing dimensions 570x320

Hero Title goes here

This is an example of a hero with an image and a CTA button set to an external link.
Note: external links have a special design treatment that will show when an external link is set to Target = New Window in Sitecore.

This is the Hero component in its Content Page rendering variant. The example above has an image and features an external link.

Additional documentation in Confluence here.